Frequently Asked Questions

» What are the most common ways that families afford The Out-of-Door Academy?
- Monthly payment plans
- Need-based financial assistance
- Low interest loans via Tuition Solution
- Support from grandparents or other family members

» Is there a general income guideline to qualify for financial assistance?
We realize that every family has a unique financial situation. Therefore, income alone is not a sufficient indicator to determine financial assistance eligibility. The Out-of-Door Academy awards financial assistance annually to families from differing socio-economic backgrounds. If you would like to discuss the possibility of qualifying for assistance prior to completing the process, please contact Monica Baldwin at or 941-554-3441.

» Do both parents have to work to qualify for financial assistance?
The Financial Assistance Committee considers it reasonable to expect both parents to be employed if the family is requesting the school to assist with tuition costs. In the interest of equity, if one parent elects to stay at home and not seek employment, the Committee will impute a basic income of $25,500 for the non-working parent. Consideration will be given to families with preschool children or other extraordinary circumstances that preclude a parent from working.

» How are divorced/separated families assessed?
The Out-of-Door Academy requires that both biological/adoptive parents, as well as remarried couples, contribute to the cost of education according to their ability. If divorced or separated, each biological/adoptive parent who shares legal custody must complete a PFS application. If one or both biological/adoptive parents have remarried, the stepparents’ financial information must be included on the PFS application.
» If I sacrifice in order to pay tuition at The Out-of-Door Academy, I'm utilizing resources that need to be set aside for college. How can I justify such sacrifices for secondary school?
Our hope is that students will emerge from Out-of-Door with greater college choices, as well as maturity and motivation to take full advantage of what college has to offer. The majority of Out-of-Door graduates receive scholarships to assist in financing their child's college education. The Out-of-Door College Counseling Office will provide guidance as to where your child's best chances of college admission and scholarship offers may be.

» After receiving the Schools' financial assistance award, we still simply can't afford the tuition expected of us. Is it possible to appeal the Financial Assistance Committee's decision?
If you feel that you have omitted or not appropriately clarified specific financial information, you can appeal in writing for reconsideration. When concerned about your ability to afford Out-of-Door, continued conversation with the financial assistance office often results in creative financial solutions that may or may not include additional financial assistance.

» What is the timeline for appeals that may be granted additional financial assistance?
With the initial award, our Financial Assistance Committee attempts to meet as much demonstrated need as possible within our budgetary constraints. Therefore, families will not be notified of any increases to an award as a result of an appeal until mid-summer. This timeframe allows a sufficient interval for the Committee to review existing resources and prioritize requests.

The Out-of-Door Academy

LOWER SCHOOL |  Historic Siesta Key Campus  |  Pre-K – Grade 5
444 Reid Street, Sarasota, FL 34242  |  941-349-3223  |  Fax: 941-349-8133

LOWER SCHOOL |  Lower School Campus on Clark Road  |  Pre-K – Grade 1
11011 Clark Rd, Sarasota, FL 34241   |  941-349-3223

  |  Uihlein Campus in Lakewood Ranch  |  Grades 6 – 8 |  Grades 9 – 12
5950 Deer Drive, Sarasota, FL 34240  |  941-349-3223  |  Fax: 941-907-1251
The Out-of-Door Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, physical ability, religion, sex, age, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin.
The Out-of-Door Academy is an equal opportunity employer.

© 2023 The Out-of-Door Academy