Teachers at Out-of-Door stretch students to develop the analytical, creative, and communication skills that will serve them throughout their lives. Our Middle School provides a well-balanced program in academics, athletics and the arts, but our goal is much more ambitious: we want students to think for themselves. During this fundamental time of growth, teachers in all subject areas guide students to develop and communicate their own informed points of view.
Our program offers individualized instruction, project-based collaboration, and a customized curriculum that prepares students for their future. Classes are constantly evolving as teachers adopt innovative approaches to find the most effective methods for engaging young people. At ODA, Middle School students progress through their adolescent years with strong support to become well-rounded citizens, ready for the rigors of Upper School.
The Out-of-Door Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, physical ability, religion, sex, age, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin.
The Out-of-Door Academy is an equal opportunity employer.